New Beginnings aims to stop the cycle of recidivism by providing reentrants with a consistent structure of accountability, encouragement and spiritual support.
Research shows that community support during the first 6 months after individuals are released from jail or prison is critical to their success. We have expanded our mission to provide people getting out of jail with a supportive group that will come alongside them in their reentry into the community. A New Beginnings Team will be made up of volunteers who serve as mentors and role models which provide emotional and spiritual support to formerly incarcerated individuals during weekly meetings.
Our Community Outreach Coordinator be reaching out to area churches and other organizations to gauge their interest in forming a New Beginnings reentry team. They will then follow up with all interested parties and schedule volunteer training.
The coordinator will match reentrants identified by our chaplain staff with a New Beginnings Team. The group will meet weekly to share struggles. successes and everything in between. Together they will set goals, pray, cry, and laugh.

Join a New Beginnings Team

People interested in becoming a member of a reentry support team can expect the following training and support:
A two-hour training session.
Monthly check-in with the outreach coordinator.
Support documents.

Come from a variety of backgrounds.
Work collaboratively to maintain spiritual health while facing the challenges of reentry.
Make a commitment to meet for at once a week for 1-1.5 hour meeting each week for 6 months (groups can elect to renew for another 6 months).
Develop lessons and work with learner-selected materials.
Are willing to abide by rules and expectations of the New Beginnings program.

If you are interested in being a part of our next New Beginnings Team:
Complete the application found here.
Attend a training session
Meet with the reentrant and schedule a time to meet and goals to work on.
For more information email newbeginnings@madisonjailministry.org